Cozy Decor

How To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

With winter being around the corner and the rising cost of energy bills, people are finding innovative ways to make their homes more energy efficient. You have the basics such as triple-glazed windows and wall insulation. However, these are not something you can install immediately. You need a specialist to come and do that for you. 

If you are one of those who are looking to save money on their energy bills then do not worry. We will take you through the many ways that you can ensure that heat stays in your home to keep warm. 

Set A Timer For Your Heating

Setting a timer for your thermostat is something that everybody should be doing this winter. If you are not in the house, there is no need for your central heating to be on. Furthermore, the only time it needs to be on is the morning before you wake up and return home. You might want to put it on more if you work from home of course, but due to the rising cost of energy bills, we would advise you to add another layer to your outfit. 


Stop Leaving Everything On Standby

Although this is technically not a tip to keep your house warm this winter, it’s a really simple change that will free up some extra budget so you can have the heating on more! We are all in the habit of leaving technology on, and you might not think that it’s doing much harm, but in reality, it adds up over time and can save you a lot of money when you start switching off your TVs, games consoles and any other device. Bills will be through the roof this winter, so don’t leave everything on standby!

There are a few things that you will need to leave on such as your freezer and refrigerator of course. However, things such as television, microwave, Alexa, PlayStation and anything else you can think of do not need to be on standby. 



There are several things to ensure heat remains in your home like investing in window treatments. The combination of blinds and curtains is a great way to keep the heat in. Blinds are made to measure so they cover the majority of the window. Blinds are great for controlling light but they are not the best for keeping the heat. Furthermore, some blinds are better than others.

Curtains are much better for keeping the heat in however, the combination of the two makes it perfect for keeping your home warm and controlling the light. Browse window blinds in London to find the best blinds for your home, as there are many variations you can have for your home. 


Consider The Placement Of Your Sofa

Many homes will place their sofa in front of a radiator which isn’t the best idea. The reason is that your sofa will soak up all of the heat. It might sound like a good idea to have your couch next to your radiator but it isn’t as you want the majority of your radiator exposed so you feel the warmth in the room. Once you move the sofa from the radiator, the heat will be able to circulate in the room properly. 


Draft Excluders

One of the things you need to buy is a draft excluder, especially if your home is an old home. During winter, you will feel the cold through your doors and windows. That is why a draft excluder is a must-buy for your home. Furthermore, they can be cheap so you don’t need to worry about spending too much money. Not only are they cheap but easy to install so it is a must-buy.


Add Additional Layers

Another thing you can do to your home is to add multiple layers to your home. You will be wearing two or three layers of clothes in the winter however you want to be adding blankets to your bed and sofas. 

For your sofa, buy a throw that keeps you warm on that cold leather sofa. You will also want to buy a blanket for the sofa as well so you can put that on yourself when watching television. Not to mention that these are a great way to make your home more homely

For your bedroom, you want to add a throw for your bed as. It adds another layer to your bed to keep you warm during winter. Ensure that you have a winter quilt for your bed. Anything above 10.5 togs for your bed would be perfect for winter but another layer would be even better.


Consider A Log Burner For Your Main Room

A log burner is another great addition to your home, and it is a great way to keep it warm. If your home is designed where two rooms are joined together such as the dining room and the living room, you should certainly consider a log burner. Not to mention that they are far more cost-effective compared to a gas or electric fire, especially with the rising costs of utility bills. 

There are a couple of negatives with a log burner. One of those is the initial cost you will need to pay. One thing for sure is that they are not cheap, with the average cost for one being around £500, especially if you wish to own a decent one. 

Additionally, there are other costs that you will need to pay. It includes the stove pipe as not all log burners will come with one of these. It is essential as it funnels the smoke into the chimney. Another thing you may want to purchase for your log burner is a chimney liner; however, these are not essential. Nonetheless, they are a couple of pros with this such as making your log burner easier to light and making it much safer. People’s worry about log burners is that they are not safe around pets or children. 

One thing you definitely will need to buy is wood and that isn’t cheap either. Firewood can cost roughly £220 for 2.4 cubic meters of firewood. All of these costs add up so it is up to you to figure out whether owning a log burner is more cost-effective than using an electric fireplace. 



As you can see, there are many ways to keep warmth in your home. If your home is not well insulated then it is pointless having your central heating on all the time. Ensure that everywhere is well insulated, and wear multiple layers, have a heated blanket to stay warm this winter.