Cozy Decor

How to Save Time When you Perform Move-out Cleaning

Moving is a significant life event involving tons of stuff to do.

Leaving everything for the last moment can create needless anxiety and cost you your security deposit.

One of the ways to avoid that is to organise yourself properly and plan an effective end of tenancy cleaning that will save time and money.

Let’s find out all about it below!

Plan everything you need to clean

The first place you need to start is to create a plan of action to ensure you get everything done and avoid accidentally missing anything.

Planning will allow you to break the seemingly overwhelming task of cleaning the entire property into small, manageable pieces. Not only that but crossing off each task as it gets done will give you a feeling of accomplishment and reduce moving anxiety significantly.

Here’s what your plan must include:

Working from a plan will save time, reduce anxiety, and ensure you won’t accidentally forget something that might cost you your security deposit. That’s why it’s one of the most practical approaches when it comes to move-out cleaning.

Consult your lease

The best place to determine what your end of tenancy cleaning responsibilities are is to check your lease.

Inside, the landlord has specified in what condition the property must be left upon moving out. Usually, you are expected to leave the place in the same condition you found it in when you moved in, but read on for any additional stipulations, just to be on the safe side.

Pay close attention to what the document says because it can be vital to getting your safety deposit returned in full.

You can also speak directly with your landlord about your move-out cleaning.

Ask them what they expect from you, and arrange a moving-out inspection once you’re done cleaning. That can show them you take the matter seriously and will make a good impression, which can go a long way towards getting your security deposit back in full and getting a good reference.

How to move out clean effectively

Once you’ve planned everything, it’s time to begin cleaning.

Now, there are plenty of ways to perform a faster moving-out cleaning without compromising quality. Below are some great tips and tricks about achieving great and timely results, which can free up an afternoon and impress even the most stubborn of landlords.

Do a general cleaning first

Before you proceed with the major stuff, general cleaning beforehand is best. That will ensure you save plenty of time and make things much more manageable.

First, declutter and donate or sell any useless stuff, as there’s no reason to bring it to your new home. Doing so will result in nothing getting in the way and speed things up considerably.

The order in which you clean everything can also reduce the time spent on the task. That’s why it’s best to start from top to bottom, ensuring that you won’t have to clean things twice.

Here’s a quick checklist of what general cleaning must include:

Hire professional cleaning equipment

Renting professional cleaning machines can not only speed things up, but it can guarantee outstanding results. This type of equipment isn’t usually commercially available, yet it can clean the property thoroughly and much faster than conventional methods.

Plus, it maximises the likelihood of your landlord returning your deposit in full, as most of them are very strict about the state of cleanliness and will likely look for any excuse to keep your money for themselves.

Renting professional machines will minimise that risk and save you hours on the otherwise demanding task that is move-out cleaning.

Clean smarter, not harder

To save time, it’s best to start with low-traffic areas and then move to high-traffic ones.

Usually, the bedroom is the place where there is the least amount of work. Start there, dust and vacuum thoroughly, and don’t forget to clean the windows from both sides.

Landlords pay particular attention to the wet areas. That’s why having a sparkling clean kitchen and bathroom is probably the most important thing when it comes to move-out cleaning.

Using the proper cleaning tools and products can speed things up significantly without compromising on quality. Read the label carefully before applying the product, and always make sure you have everything you need within reach.

You can make a great impression during your landlord’s final inspection if you’ve performed a thorough job, which can go a long way toward receiving your security deposit back in full.

Here are some things you must not forget to do while cleaning the property:

Call professional cleaners

Moving out can be a gruelling experience, especially when you have to do everything yourself. The sheer amount of things to do can cause needless anxiety even in the most organised person and put unnecessary strain on relationships.

That’s why one of the best ways to save time is to hire a professional end of tenancy cleaning service. Leaving that task to experts will provide great results and free up time that can be spent on more important things, like family and friends.


There are many ways to save time when you perform move-out cleaning without compromising quality.

Implementing at least a few of these tips and tricks will guarantee that you will save at least a few hours for more important things, and if you’ve done a proper job, you will also likely receive your security deposit back in full.