Top 5 Most Desirable Home Upgrades in 2019

This year, don’t get caught up in home renovations that don’t actually add any value to your house. Invest in upgrades that will get you more bang for your buck. With plenty of market research available, choosing your next upgrade is hardly challenging. Here is 2019’s top list of what will bring you the greatest return on investment.

A New Garage Door

While not as glamorous as that full kitchen remodel you’ve been eyeing, a new garage door is almost consistently ranked as the number one ROI upgrade from year to year, with a current return of over 95%. A safe assumption is that the more public the upgrade, the higher the return since many homeowners care a lot about first impressions.

Stone Veneer Siding

Like the garage door, this is a public upgrade that immediately sets a home apart in only the best way. Luckily this doesn’t mean rebuilding your entire house out of stone. Instead, investing in a simple but tasteful false front will see returns of around 95%. If a full facade is out of the question, even a partial stone veneer can net a huge return.

Shower Upgrade

Shower screens are much easier to manage than shower curtains, and they protect your bathroom from water damage more effectively. Frameless glass shower doors not only reduce bathroom cleaning time, they help open up otherwise smaller rooms in the house, making them more desirable. Imagine being able to walk in and out of your shower without having to slide an old curtain back and forth on a track that may rust after only one year of use.

Kitchen Remodel

Likely you spend a lot of time in your kitchen, so an update there can lift the feel of the whole home. However, keep in mind that the more major the redo, the less return you are going to see. Where minor remodels net an 81% return, major undertakings only pull in 60%. Keep this in mind as you ask yourself if that full floor replacement is really worth it.

Window Replacement

Windows add a certain charm to a home, providing its owners a way to enjoy the outside world without having to actually be outside. Newer windows also have an economic value in terms of retaining heat during the winter and preserving air conditioning inside during the summer months. You’ll see this return most directly in your power bills.

Whatever you do decide to upgrade, be sure to do your research. Anything upgraded can be a potential ROI if and when you decide to sell, but it’s up to you to invest in the right renovations to make that happen.

Addy Reeds is a freelance writer from Eugene, Oregon. She discovered her passion for journalism while attending the University of Oregon. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @addyreeds1;

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